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Access to South Asian Archive(SAA) and World e-Book Library(WeL) e-Resources
The access of two e-resources World e-Book Library (Limited to 6000 Institutions)
and South Asian Archive on National Licensing are available to institutions in India.
These two resources are already available to member institutions of e-Shodh Sindhu and
other consortiums in India (CSIR-NKRC, DeLCON,CERA,DRDO etc).
- World e-Book Library (WeL): The World e-Book Library including 3 million (30,00,000) primary
sources spanning past 1,000 years of world history in more than 320 different languages.
In addition, contemporary journal collections of WeL include scholarly journals and academic
articles from every academic field.
Links:- http://community.worldlibrary.in/?AffiliateKey=NDL-FH3501
- South Asia Archive (SAA): South Asia Archive contains more than 4.5 million pages spanning the
period of 18th and mid-20th century from documents across the indian subcontinet, including
india ,pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
Links:- http://www.southasiaarchive.com/
The Universities/Highter Education institutions who are not members of these consortium can also
have access to these two resources through registation.
Individuals can have access to e-Resources through NDL.Please register on NDL website https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ (https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/)
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