DALI is the first screening and assessment tool for dyslexia in regional Indian languages. DALI is developed at National Brain Research Centre and this study was supported by Department of Science and Technology.

          Nearly 1 in 6 children has reading problems. Dyslexia is a hidden learning disability wherein children fail to achieve reading skills in regular classroom settings. Dyslexia has a biological basis and occurs because of differences in brain wiring.

          Children in India receive education at school in at least 2 languages. It is necessary that the assessment of dyslexia be carried in all languages that the child is exposed to. India, the diagnosis of dyslexia has been incomplete because of the absence of standardized, validated assessment tools in regional Indian languages.

           DALI (Dyslexia Assessment for Languages of India) contains screening tools for school teachers and assessment tools for psychologists to identify dyslexia. The tools are currently available in four languages as detailed below. Extension to other languages is in process.

Screeening Tools for School Teachers:

Language Assessment Batteries (iLAB):
          9 assessment tests are available in Hindi, Marathi, Kannada and English. Please click here to look at a sample Language Performance Profile of a child. Assessment training workshops will be conducted soon. For further details contact us at dalinbrc[at]gmail.com.

DALI - Workshop For Teacher-Counsellor school teams on November 29th-30th 2019
Developed and maintained by T. A Sumathi, Hymavathy